Homes for All
Angie is fighting for everyone to have a safe, affordable home as a basic human right. She is actively working with local communities to deliver community-led housing. She is working to develop locally affordable housing for local people.
If elected Angie will challenge the national formula that dictates 17,400 homes must be built on Thanet by 2030. Angie firmly believes this should be between 9,000 – 12,000 homes.
Angie will also challenge the current planning system whereby local councils and residents have very little power over what type of homes are built, where they are built and what infrastructure needs to be put in place to support existing and new homes.
Protect our NHS
Angie will support Save Our NHS In Kent (SONIK) in their fight to keep stroke services, A&E and Maternity services at both QEQM and KCH. She agrees with their statements that to remove these services will cost lives and is not supported evidentially to improve outcomes, especially in North Thanet where we have a growing elderly population and areas of deprivation which naturally makes it harder for people to access services.
Tackle Climate Change
Angie will FIGHT for GREEN energy, GREEN transport and GREEN investments. Climate change and air pollution threaten our lives now!
We have known that air pollution blackspots exist in North Thanet for far too long and nothing has been done. This is adversely affecting people’s health now.
If elected Angie will fight for affordable green transport to be introduced locally and on a national basis for diesel engines to be phased out. We have the green technology, it is now up to government to legislate for it to be put into use. Angie supports the Campaign for Better Transport in their aim to launch a programme to replace the entire bus fleet with zero emission vehicles by 2035 and all new buses being zero emission from 2025 ..
Nationally The Liberal Democrats proposal is to expand renewable energy generation to 80% in just ten years and to insulate 30 million homes within 10 years from a standing start and to achieve carbon neutrality for the UK by 2045. The 2045 date is in line with many environmental groups, such as WWF and Friends of the Earth, it’s also in line with existing technologies available to us.